Amalgam Fillings Removal

Dental Amalgam Fillings May Release Mercury in the Mouth

Defective amalgam dental fillings are replaced with high-quality and highly esthetic composite fillings or ceramic restorations: inlays, onlays, partial crowns, or full crowns.

This removal not only guarantees a beautiful appearance of your teeth. Amalgam removal frees you from one of the most harmful substances for the body in the long term: mercury. Amalgam fillings contain mercury. It slowly corrodes in the mouth, is transported as a vapor, and enters the bloodstream through the lungs.

The greater the number of amalgam fillings, the higher the mercury concentration in the body. To rid your body of these heavy metals, we combine amalgam removal with alternative therapies offered by specialized practitioners from our network of partners.

Note: Comprehensive amalgam removal, which includes amalgams under crowns and in root fillings, improves the chances of recovery from autoimmune and neuropsychological diseases.

Precautions to protect your body

Before we perform amalgam removal, we analyze the state of your immune system. Then, we will plan when to start treatment and how many appointments you will need. We also make sure that all inflammations and wounds in the oral cavity have healed before starting the treatment. A special device that completely encloses the tooth protects you from the removed amalgam during the dental procedure. The amalgam particles are immediately expelled through a cannula.

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